Customer satisfaction study

February 2019


Spectrum Pharma's perception

Our flexibility, personalized solutions and the quality of our services distinguish us!


Q1. What would be the two terms you would use to describe Spectrum to one of your colleagues who is looking for packaging services? Survey carried out with 29 respondents.

Level of satisfaction

The majority of Specturm Pharma’s clients agree that the services and support we offer is a key element that sets us apart.


Q2. How would you compare our customer service and the support we offer you in your packaging projects compared to other packaging companies. 1 is an extremely weak service compared to other companies and 5 is an extremely superior service to other companies. Survey carried out with 29 respondents.

Customer testimonials


Q3. In a sentence or two, could you explain to us the score you gave to question # 2 and how could we improve? Survey carried out with 29 respondents.

Recommendation of our packaging services

Our current clients would recommend Spectrum Pharma without hesitation for your packaging service needs.


Q4. Could you tell us if you would recommend Spectrum Pharma services on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 represents I would not recommend Spectrum Pharma in any way and 5 represents I would highly recommend Spectrum Pharma? Survey carried out with 29 respondents.

Who are our respondents

Our clients come from different departments and Spectrum Pharma is able to answer to each of their needs.


Q5. Would you specify for which department you are working for? Survey carried out with 29 respondents.